You're most probably familiar, in fact overly familiar, with Ten Walls' track, Walking With The Elephants, as it circulated the radio waves and club scene last year. Just as you thought you'd thought that crazy central horn section of the song just wasn't as exciting as it used to be, Mr 2 K's, with help from Mr Frisco/Frisc-FLOW has revitalised its beautiful grunginess in his latest remix. If I were to sum up my feelings upon first hearing the track, I'd have to describe it as one of those songs that remind you why you love music so god damn much.
Shakka's voice pretty much just induces dopamine release in my body. This is probably down to the fact that I can be 100% certain, if it's got Shakka's name on it, it will be a CHOON. His voice, creativity and overall approach to music is so so so so so so so so so refreshing. Personally, the gas levels of this tune were significantly enhanced by getting Frisco on it, being that he is one of my favourite MC's. To be fair, Like Frisco said in the video below, Shakka came up on the track like an MC himself. So, personally, having an MC jumping on the track was really not necessary. But, Big Fris' cool, calm and suave, yet gritty, flavours worked to my approval for sure. I definitely think they can be much better appreciated in their live performance below (which by the way makes me want to cry many salty tears over the fact that I was not there to witness this in the flesh).
If you also want to experience it in all it's bassy glory, which I suggest you do, then click here innit...
And whilst we're in SBTV land you might as well check out Frisco's latest freestyle. Back with slick bars on a sick grime beat courtesy of Rude Kid, he shows us what we already know, Frisco is gulllllllllllllllly 2 da core. He also talks about a new, monthly, grime event he is launching (which the footage of himself and Shakka's performance above is from). I would love to go at one point in my life seeing as I actually live in London now, so, yes, the vacancy for an accomplice to grime raves for a small brown girl is still very much wide open :)
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