I write about music and stuff...

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Angel - The World

Angel is one of those artists that when he brings out a track I want more straight away. After yet another mixtape (because there have been that many) 'Inbetween Time', my iTunes was definitely refreshed. To think that the tracks he delivered on 'Inbetween Time' were just mixtape tracks, hopefully means his debut album is going to follow suit and have the same effect...that is when he actually decides to drop it, because he did say it was going to drop July 2012...erm, yeah safe.

The World has brought us one step close to About Time. Within the first few seconds of the instrumental to it you'll think: club banger. But match it to the visual and it makes it something totally different. I can't even front - I got emotional. Starring Zaraah Abrahams, the video tells a love story and trust me it gets deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! The fact the audio and the visual of the song contrast so much but compliment so well shows that Angel's edgy fusion of R&B and Pop is definitely going to have a positive influence on the scene. It's fresh and filling a gap that has been wide open for a while now. I have always been an Angel fan, but since meeting him (he is even prettier in real life - I swear) at SBTV-Xmas and watching him perform live, it hit me how talented he really is. He is got a good energy and he channels that through his music fo' sure.

So yeah, check out his new video here... p.s if you're a sap, you might want to grab a tissue


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